Questions to Ask as You Improve Any Process

Good leaders ask good questions. They do this so they can gain understanding and help those they lead understand as well. Change managers do the same and are always asking questions that will help them implement change effectively. Here are a few questions I ask as I approach any process improvement plan.

  1. Does this process support the mission and purpose of the organization? This question first assumes you know and understand the mission and purpose of the organization. That’s the what and the why of the organization. It’s what you do and why you do it. Once you have firmly established the mission and purpose, you can then evaluate the process in relation to the what and why of the company. Does this process help move the company closer to achieving its mission and purpose? Is it required? How strongly does it support the mission and purpose? If the answer is no, why are you using the process in question?
  2. Does this process add value? Does this process make a meaningful...
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Pick the Right Goals So You Can Succeed

The other day I was helping my daughter prepare for her volleyball team tryouts. She was getting frustrated as she was comparing herself to some of the other girls who were also trying out for the team. She kept focusing on “the numbers.” How many times she could serve a ball properly. How many times she could bump the ball. The problem was she wasn’t hitting her desired numbers. I asked, “What are you focusing on?” “I’m trying to get at least this number on this drill.” Then I asked a question, “What do you think will happen if you just focus on making the best hit you can?” She said she didn’t know and I suggested she try that first. Soon after focusing on hitting each ball the best she could, her performance on the drill dramatically improved. She even exceeded her own expectations. This encounter reminded me of what we face in our practices and business.

Monitor What’s Important

When we set out to perform...

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Tips for Effective Change Management

The other day I flew from my hometown to Denver. I was taking my daughter out there to visit her friends. There were a few isolated thunderstorms around, but we thought they would be gone by the time we arrived in the area. At least that’s what the experts were telling us. Using the data provided by meteorologists, we took off and headed to Denver. As we approached Denver, it became quite clear the storms were still present. The experts’ predictions didn’t come true. We landed at a small airport and waited. Eventually, the storms passed, and we made it to Denver. We accomplished our mission, going to Denver, for a specific purpose, my daughter seeing old friends.

Managing change is very similar to flying a small plane. You collect the opinions of experts, plan your trip and head out. You’ll have bumps along the way and may even face severe thunderstorms at times. Things might be delayed, and your trip doesn’t go as planned, but if you stay focused you...

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