Ten Questions to Ask Before You Attempt to Communicate

communication leadership Jan 13, 2020

Your vision of the future is the guiding light for your company. To attain that vision, every leader must communicate clearly and effectively the future they see. To make a powerful impact on your organization, you will need to ensure you have shared your message clearly. The next time you’re preparing to share your vision, use these questions to help you develop the message you want to send.

  1. Does this message have clarity? Your communication should include what the people must know and what you want them to know. This information brings understanding to your vision message. Who, what, when, where, why, and how should be answered as much as possible in your message.
  2. Does this message provide the context for this vision? Have I connected the past with the present, and together, does that paint the future in a way that is simple to understand? Have I connected the dots from the past to the present and show how that leads to the future? When in doubt, spend more time explaining how and why the company is where it is today and where it needs to go.
  3. Have I adequately explained the purpose of my vision? This brings direction to your vision. The purpose of your vision is why of the company. Your vision should directly tie into what the company does for the customer.
  4. Have I included goals to achieve this vision? Share your targets and required steps to achieve your vision. This demonstrates you’ve outlined how you will achieve the vision of the future as well as give the audience meaningful goalposts by which they can judge their progress.
  5. Am I being honest? Speak with integrity and credibility to your vision. Be frank and honest. Don’t sugarcoat your vision. Don’t share only part of the truth either. Half-truths are often interpreted as convenient lies by others and hurt your credibility.
  6. Have I included any stories? Stories are a potent means to connect your vision with others through relationships. Use stories to tap into the emotional aspect of your people. Emotions drive change faster than anything else. Stories will amplify that effect.
  7. Have I made a clear challenge? Give your people a stretch goal, a challenge. Once they have accepted your vision, they will work hard to meet the challenge you’ve outlined. Without a challenge, you’re just talking. A challenge will help and require your people to take action.
  8. Have I demonstrated my passion? Your passion for your vision provides fuel for your people to achieve your vision. Consider Steve Jobs, he was very passionate about his products, and his teams worked long and hard to see that vision become a reality.
  9. What type of model will I be? Don’t be afraid to be accountable for your vision. Being accountable means, you model the behavior and actions necessary to achieve your vision.
  10. Have I shared my strategy to achieve my vision? Your strategy is larger than goals and a challenge. It’s the entire process, all the steps necessary to complete and bring your vision to life. It provides your followers with a step by step guide to achieving your vision.

The next time you’re crafting a message about your vision, stop and run through the above checklist to ensure your message will be clear and effective so your vision may come to life.

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