Implementing Your Metrics
After you’ve picked the metrics you want to monitor, the next, and perhaps most critical, is implementation. I’ve witnessed metric after metric, which were good, poorly implemented. It only led to frustration, finger-pointing and a general drip in morale. To help you avoid making these same mistakes, I’ve outlined a few points to provide guidance.
Tips on Implementing Metrics
- Keep everyone informed. It can be hard to perform well when you don’t know how you’re being evaluated. To overcome their hesitation, let everyone know the reasons for choosing the metric. How does it support the mission and purpose? How will using it help them be better at their jobs?
- Post the metric where people can see it. Once they know how and why the parameter is being used, place the results in a space where everyone can view it. Give them up to date information. Do this so they can see the consequences of their actions and make the appropriate changes. You’ll see change faster and empower your people.
- Let people know who is accountable. Clearly define who is responsible for the metric. Who is responsible if performance goes up and goes down? It should be the same person or people. Let everyone who is involved in the process of the metric know this as well. In fact, share the responsibility with as many people as possible, but not too many.
- Let those who are accountable be able to adjust things as necessary. There is nothing more frustrating than being responsible for something you cannot control. Being in that situation contributes to low morale, a sense of helplessness, and frustration. I promise if you empower the people responsible for the metric, you have an engaged employee and team.
- Realize you’ll miss the mark sometimes. Be honest with yourself and organization. You will miss the mark from time to time. That’s normal. To think you’ll always hit the target is either insane or you’re setting your goals too low. Be honest and don’t beat yourself up if your team misses it. It won’t be the end of the world. Instead, debrief that whole and get insight into why the metric was missed. Make a plan and do better the next time.
What You’ll Want to Manage
Once you’ve picked your metrics and implemented them, you’ll still need to manage them. There are four items you’ll want to keep in mind as you lead the people and manage the process.
- Their Attention. Be able to capture their hearts and minds via effective communication. Make sure your message is based on your mission and purpose. When they buy into and accept the mission and purpose, you’ll have their attention. Too much communication is better than low or no communication.
- The Bigger Picture. The mission and purpose must be forefront. Don’t focus on the process so much you lose sight of the mission and purpose. Always focus on what you’re doing and why you’re it.
- Their Trust. Empower your people and act in such a way as to engender trust. Be reliable. Be clear. Be consistent. Your concise communication will help you earn and retain their confidence.
- Yourself. Lastly, manage yourself. To do that, you’ll need to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Try to listen to and receive information with a blank slate. Practice listening without allowing that little voice inside your head to jump in with assumptions.
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